im all alone. there is no1 beside me..... no really there is NO1 here. only me and the teacher. every1 else is doing the leadership thing which i did on thu and fri. so i thought hmmm i will wright a blog.
i think i have been a real cunt to some of my friends latly. its something i feel even if some of you dont think i have. so im saying a big sorry if i am hurting you or if i have xx i love you all !!!!! its better to say sorry the to fight.
NOW does ANY1 know ANYTHING about the MATRIX!!!! we have to right 500 words on the matrix and about the red pill and blue pill. im not worried about the 500 words. im worried cause the matrix is so confusing!!!!! its like... WTF JUST HAPPENED!!! first they are running for there lives and next min they miss 1 million bullets... ok not a million but you get me. anyway i need help on this so if you know anything about the matrix could u please holla to me homies haha
JODIE!!!! :( :( :( i miss you So so so so much. i cant get on msn becuase my comp is stuffed and i cant use mums cause it lags brads game and NOOOOOO WAY CAN WE HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE!!!!!!! grr he shits me off. i hope you got my letter jodie and some of the pics i sent you. not long now till you come back.. WOOOO how things over there anyway? miss u a ton and sorry that we havent talked for ages... blame brad hahahaha.. grr
MAN there is so much shit i wanna say about my brother but i cant as a little SLUT tells him everything. i thought we was friends. use to be good friends but i dont wanna if your gonna tell my brother everything i say. for eg. we was at this great party. her mum was awesome and let some of us have some drinks. we was all having fun and getting long. so we decided to play 10 fingers. we said WHAT EVER IS SAID IN THE CIRCLE STAYS IN THE CIRCLE!!! and it did. every1 kept every1 secrets apart from you. you had to tell my brother everything we was talking about in the circle. well i know who i can n cant trust now. anyway i wanted to get that off my chest hahah... woo i feel better.
i get ova 400 bucks WOOOOOOOO but i worked like everyday (apart from wed) one good thing that happened was that i was the boss of EVERY1 on sunday hahahah suckers. well make a long story short. some1 quit and bec (the big boss) had to take her shift and i took becs shift. which was from 7 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon. i was a good boss. because i didnt even know i was the boss till i fin and some1 told me hahah. o well i still feel powerful. but i dont wanna do it all the time. its crazy O.o
OMG guess what. well i was working anf then when i get home there is all this bark chips all over the drive way. mum told me that she heard a big BANG! and went out side there there was bark chips everywhere. we had no idea what did it till some1 told us that it could of been ligthneen. WOW you know how you get hot lighting. well that happened. lucky no1 was outside hahah
anyway the bell is gonna go soon hahah well this was an intresting class... me n the teacher pimping it out. hahah
mon - school and work
tue- school gym (if you wanna come you can :) )
wed- school and work and doctor
thur- school and work
fri-school and work
sat - work
sun - work
~Keep Safe~
x~True Love~x