Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bad Luck!

Do you believe in bad luck? Or it is something that people just say? Well i believe i have bad luck, but only with guys. I had fallen in love with this dude. His name was Mitchell. Wow what a stud he was. Loved him for 8 years but i was a fool since we never dated not even once. Bad luck. I then moved to Mildura and yea i did have my little crushes till i met Tom. Tall, black, handsome guy. He always knew what was the right thing to say and what to do. I thought he would be the one. Till he cheated on me. Bad luck. I then got another bf called Ben. He wasn't as good as Tom but he knew how to make me feel special :) I used to buy and give him alot of stuff. I also thought he was the one till his friends told me that he was only using me for money. Lost close to 700 buck on him and i didn't even have a job so it was hard to get that money back. Bad luck. I also gave another guy call Matt a go but it wasn't long till he cheated on me as well. Bad luck. I then gave up on guys in my town and gaveinternet dating a go. I met this guy called Will online. You wouldn't believe how nice people are to you who are over sea. Well how nice u think till u find out the truth. He stopped talking to me for ages and we never talked again. I then found out that he left and went over to china to marry a Chinese lady. I didn't mind as i didn't know him but common a Chinese lady? Was i that low to him? Bad luck. I gave another go with internet dating and met this dude called Karlief. He told me he was 18 and lived in the USA. I thought well he is a good age and he speaks English so why not? Might fly down to see him one day. We lasted for a pretty long time till he also stopped talking to me. I then found hismyspace and he was really 25 years old. He lied to me and if i was going to go and see him like i wanted to i prob might of got rapped. Bad luck. I gave up on internet dating. To hard and you cant trust them. I stayed single for a long time but while i was single i was making new friends. They are my friends till this day. I met this dude called Brad. He really wanted to go out with me but since i couldn't trust guys anymore i told him to take it slow. He then asked me out again and i said yes. But that didn't go well as he started to yell and telling me to go and kill myself. I was scared so i left him. Bad luck. Soon after i met Didza. I met him online but he lived in town. He asked me out and i really liked him that much that i said yes straight away. I kept asking him to come and meet me here n there. He would say yes but then dog me. He never showed up once. I then found out that he also cheated on me with one of his work mates. Bad luck. Before Brad and Didza i met Jesse. We went out for a week till he got drunk and had sex with his best friends sister. Bad luck. I then had some problems in my life and had to meet this dude to find information out. His name was also Tom and i knew him from my past. He was ugly back then but now.... WOW!!! We stayed as friends for a while till he asked me out. I was heaps happy. It felt like i could walk in the sky. One day i got a text from him. He really wanted to see me and since we lived so close i decided to walk to his place. Bad idea. He had been drinking and he was smashed. He told me to come inside and we could have sex. I did want to as i felt like it would be wrong to do it with a dude who didn't no what he was doing. I told him no and maybe another time. He didn't like that. He grabbed my arm trying to pull me inside. Didn't work as he couldn't stand straight and i was alot stronger then him. He let go of my arm and slapped me across the face and kicked me while i was down. He stopped and he realised what he was doing. I told him it was ova and i ran home. Bad luck. There has been some boys that have called me hot or sexy but then have asked me to show them stuff. Fun and Games but after a while when just about every guy u met ask you... it shits u off. Bad luck. This year i found a guy called Haydn. He liked everything i liked and we was the same. I really liked him and it seemed that he liked me. Something went wrong and we don't talk anymore. At least he did hurt me. Bad luck. Also this year i met Dave. Spunk he is :)We met in Melb and was even in room alone together. It was great never thought i could trust a guy or find love again. Until 2day! I read his facebook home page and there was this girl saying that she loves him xoxo. I didn't want to be hurt again so i asked him if he has a gf. He told me no and i believed him, but then he cracked it and blamed something on me and told me that he never wants to talk to me. It hurt hearing that. Bad luck.
To all of those boy who have cheated on me, used me, hurt me, lied to me or just about rapped me i tell u.... BAD LUCK!! as u had me but now have lost me forever. I treated you with respect and loved you and look what you did back to me. My heart beats no more for any of you. You all don't no what u have done to me. I cant trust any guy now and don't think i can find love for a long time. You people make me sick in this world.

~Keep Safe~

x~True Love~x

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